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  5. Changes in v1.9.8

Changes in v1.9.8

Maintenance Release: July 24th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-1.9.8-9778
  • Frontend:
    • Address additional Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities reported with the CMON API where the content of an included file in an HTTP request was shown (CLUS-4448).

Maintenance Release: April 24th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol2-2.1.0-1313
  • Frontend:
    • Address an issue with URL redirects being incorrect when clicking on or pasting a link to ClusterControl (CLUS-3634).
    • Address an issue with alignment when long names/titles appear in alarms (CLUS-3632).
    • Address an issue with a broken dialog when selecting ‘upgrades’ with a single node (CLUS-3770).
    • Address an issue with minor upgrade where the primary was upgraded even though only the replica was selected (CLUS-3859).
    • Address a potential issue where the ‘enable’ MySQL binary log was not shown in the menu after disabling it for the MySQL Galera cluster (CLUS-3477).

Maintenance Release: April 24th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-1.9.8-8622
  • Controller:
    • Address issues with memory leaks and segmentation faults for CMON (CLUS-3814, CLUS-3825).
    • Address an issue with license handling of MSSQL Server (and Redis Cluster) (CLUS-3734).
    • Address an issue with Redis backups on the CMON controller having an incorrect IP address (CLUS-3810).

Maintenance Release: April 8th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-1.9.8-8364
  • Controller:
    • Address an issue with the Prometheus exporter installation job reporting incorrect job status when failing (CLUS-3645).
    • Address an issue with backup verification for MariaDB where the server version failed to be obtained (CLUS-3452).
    • Address an issue with backup verification when ‘qpress’ compression was enabled (CLUS-3198).
    • Address additional issues (potential deadlocks) with MongoDB cluster status being in an unknown state (CLUS-3445).
    • Address issues with deploying Elasticsearch using deprecated / EOL versions (CLUS-3769).

Maintenance Release: March 22nd, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-1.9.8-8180
  • Controller:
    • Address an issue with column grants when syncing ProxySQL instances (CLUS-3571).
    • Address a potential performance issue when CMON starts with a large number of managed clusters and the clusters’ are stuck in ‘UKNOWN” state (CLUS-3568)A new command line option has been added that can be used with the CMON service file:--disable-dsl-advisors # disables advisors.
    • Address a potential issue with backup restore causing CMON to crash (CLUS-3479).
    • Address improvements when deleting and uninstalling a PostgreSQL node (CLUS-3152).

Maintenance Release: March 12th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol2-2.1.0-1238
  • Frontend (UI):
    • Address an issue with the backup list and the error ’n.map is not a function’ (CLUS-3564).
    • Address an issue using long names at cluster deployment (CLUS-3521).
    • Address an issue where a tooltip was missing when hovering over the cluster name in the left navigation bar (CLUS-3349).
    • Address an issue where the ‘Storage Host’ was blank in the backup schedules list (CLUS-3493).
    • Address an issue with host verification using the backup verification dialog (CLUS-3396).
    • Address an issue to restore the WEB SSH feature for CCv2 (CLUS-3322).
    • Address an issue where the Show diff button was disabled in the configuration files page (CLUS-3526).
    • Address an issue with broken pagination with ProxySQL’s Top Queries (CLUS-3554).

Maintenance Release: March 11th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-1.9.8-8020
    • clustercontrol2-2.1.0-1232
  • Controller:
    • Address valgrind issue – Uninitialized variables in CmonMongoConnection (CLUS-3605).
    • Address potential deadlock issues with MS SQLServer and always on – async mode (CLUS-3602, CLUS-3533, CLUS-3413).
    • Address an issue with cluster removal when backup records fail to be deleted (CLUS-3512).
    • Address an issue to add a static code analyzer for CMON (CLUS-3104).
    • Address an issue when importing a PostgreSQL server to allow ‘/’ to be omitted from the cluster name (CLUS-3539).
  • Frontend (UI):
    • Address an issue correcting text with the add node dialog for PostgreSQL (CLUS-3494).
    • Address an issue with top queries not showing correct values for ProxySQL (CLUS-3496).
    • Address an issue with selecting the primary Redis node to restore a backup on (CLUS-3492).

Initial Release: February 26th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-1.9.8-7845
    • clustercontrol2-2.1.0-1203
    • clustercontrol-cloud-1.9.8-396
    • clustercontrol-notifications-1.9.8-340
    • clustercontrol-ssh-1.9.8-158
    • clustercontrol-1.9.8-8662
    • s9s-tools-1.9.2024022611-release1

Welcome to the February release of ClusterControl. In this release we have a few nice improvements for PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and MySQL.

As a reminder, starting with ClusterControl version 1.9.7, the legacy web application (CCv1) is no longer the default. These features are now exclusively accessible through the ClusterControl v2 (CCv2) web application or the s9s command-line tool.

Key Features by Database


  • Major upgrades (e.g., upgrade from v13 to v14).
  • pgvector extension support.


  • Minor upgrades.
  • Support for users’ self-signed certificate configuration.
  • CMON connects with ‘mongo’ using –tlsAllowInvalidCertificates for some specific MongoDB configuration cases.
  • net.tls.certificateKeyFile is set.
  • net.tls.certificateKeyFile, net.tls.CAFile are set and net.tls.CAFile.allowInvalidCertificates:true.


  • DB Status and Variable pages.
  • Add replicas (add primary with Galera, and create replica cluster) with identical software version – major.minor.patch – as the primary node(s).


  • Web SSH console for CCv2.
    • In an existing installation: Add these lines to the /etc/apache2/config.d/cc-frontend.conf file:
<Location /cmon-ssh/cmon/ws/>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/cmon-ssh/cmon/ws/(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ws:// [P,L]

<LocationMatch /cmon-ssh/>
# Existing installation: Add the line below to the section <LocationMatch /api/v2/> or <LocationMatch "^/v2/(?!cc-license).*$"> inside cc-proxy.conf
Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ "$1; Path=/"
  • UI/UX improvements for CCv2.


Major Upgrades for PostgreSQL

In-place upgrade using the pg_upgrade tool which upgrades the data files to the next major PostgreSQL version, e.g., v14 to v15.


    • Copy the old cluster’s data set to the new cluster’s data directory. This requires disk space enough to hold the size of two data sets.
    • Using hard-links (--links) instead of copying files. It’s faster than copying the files, you don’t need double the disk space however one limitation is that you cannot use the old cluster once the new cluster has started.
    • pg_dumpall, this is a failsafe option in case there are issues with pg_upgrade performing successfully.

Pgvector with PostgreSQL

Pgvector is an open-source extension for PostgreSQL that enables storing and searching over machine learning-generated embeddings. It provides several capabilities that allow users to identify both exact and approximate nearest neighbors, making it a powerful tool for applications such as search, recommendation, and anomaly detection.
ClusterControl supports pgvector by enabling this extension with our PostgreSQL deployment wizard through an additional ‘extensions’ step.

While we intend to add more extensions to PostgreSQL in future releases, pgvector is the only extension currently available for selection.

Minor upgrades with MongoDB

ClusterControl v1.9.8 now supports minor upgrades with MongoDB for replicaset and sharded clusters. Perform a major.minor version software package check and then initiate the upgrade process.


  • MySQL status and variables pages. List, search, and show the differences in the server status and configuration variables for MySQL-based clusters.
  • Additional cluster details header to show cluster and node status.
  • Grouped menu items – In this version we have grouped them where it makes sense and also added icons for more easily identifying certain groups of actions.
  • Shortcuts for the auto recovery options on a cluster were added to the cluster list to quickly be able to toggle it on or off without having to navigate through the cluster menu.
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