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Provides detailed information for each node in the cluster. On the left hand column, you can find a list of all nodes that are members of the cluster including ClusterControl node. If you added slaves, HAProxy, Keepalived, MaxScale, ProxySQL or Garbd to your cluster through ClusterControl, these will also be listed.

Node Monitoring


To learn more about how ClusterControl monitors the hosts, see Monitoring Operations.

The node on the list will appear in red to indicate it is unhealthy. The tabs show performance and resource usage for a specific node. There are also database-specific tabs depending on the type of database running on the host.

Database node status indicator:

Status Description
OK This indicates the node is working fine.
WARNING Indicates the node is degraded and not performing as expected.
MAINTENANCE Indicates the node is under maintenance.
PROBLEMATIC Indicates the node is down or unreachable.



Starting from ClusterControl 1.9.7 (September 2023), ClusterControl GUI v2 is the default frontend graphical user interface (GUI) for ClusterControl. Note that the GUI v1 is considered a feature-freeze product with no future development. All new developments will be happening on ClusterControl GUI v2. See User Guide (GUI v2).

Controller Node

Field Description
  • Provides a summary of host information and statistic histogram including CPU, disk, network, and memory usage.
  • Provides a snapshot view of processes running on the host, similar to top command in Linux

Database Nodes

Field Description
  • Provides a summary of host information and statistic histogram including CPU, disk, network, and memory usage.
  • Provides a snapshot view of processes running on the host, similar to top command in Linux.
  • Database-related logs. For MySQL standalone, replication, and Galera, it shows the MySQL error log and xtrabackup-related log. For MySQL Cluster, it shows all logs relative to the role e.g. MySQL error logs, cluster logs, and data node logs.
DB Performance
  • An overview of chosen database performance counters is shown in the graph.
DB Status
  • MySQL status for this node, similar to the SHOW STATUS command.
DB Variables
  • MySQL global variables for this node, similar to the SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES command.

HAProxy Nodes

Provides a detailed view of HAProxy stats, similar to the HAProxy stats page. If HAProxy is deployed using ClusterControl, ClusterControl will automatically create the HAProxy stats page on port 9600. You can access the page directly using the value of Admin User and Admin Password specified during the deployment at ClusterControl → Manage → Load Balancer → Install HAProxy → Show Advanced Settings.

Field Description
Stats URL
  • If you are using HAProxy 1.6 and newer, use another URL: http://{HAProxy_host}:{HAProxy_admin_port}/haproxy?stats;csv/
  • Updates the HAProxy stats URL.
  • Tick on the checkbox to enable or disable the backend server from the load balancing set. This is useful during backend server maintenance.

ProxySQL Nodes

Provides a detailed view of ProxySQL stats. ClusterControl connects to the ProxySQL admin interface to retrieve the stats and visualize them here.


Field Description
ProxySQL Host Groups
  • List of hostgroups created under this service.
  • It also provides the status of hosts in all defined hostgroups. It shows metrics related to hostgroups – used connections, free connections, errors, number of queries executed, amount of data sent and received, and latency in microseconds.
ProxySQL Stats
  • Graphs related to ProxySQL metrics – active transactions, data sent and received, memory utilization, number of connections, and many more. This gives you insight into how ProxySQL operates and helps to catch any potential issues with the proxy layer.

Top Queries

List of queries digested by the ProxySQL instance. For each query, there is a menu if you roll over on the row.

Field Description
Clear Queries
  • Resets the top query list. This is equal to running SELECT * FROM stats_mysql_query_digest_reset LIMIT 1; inside the ProxySQL admin interface.
Create Rule
  • Create a query rule for the selected query into ProxySQL. This will open a pop-up dialog for you to fine-tune the query rule before saving it into ProxySQL. By default, Clustercontrol will auto-fill two text fields – Match Pattern and Match Digest. However, you can only choose to save only one of the fields into ProxySQL.
Cache Query
  • Cache the selected query into ProxySQL. This will open a pop-up dialog for you to fine-tune the query rule before saving it into ProxySQL.
Full Digests
  • Show full digest statement.


List out all query rules created under this ProxySQL instance.

Field Description
Add New Rule Creates a new query rule. Details at ProxySQL MySQL query rules.
Edit Edit an existing query rule. This will expand a dialog for you to fine-tune the query rule before updating it into ProxySQL.
Delete Delete an existing query rule.


List out all backend servers created under this ProxySQL instance.

Field Description
Add Server
  • Host Details: Specify hostname or IP address with MySQL port of the backend server. The server must be provisioned by the ClusterControl server.
  • Hostgroup Id: Assign a hostgroup identifier number.
  • Weight: Server weight when balancing.
  • Max Replication Lag: Specify how many seconds ProxySQL should tolerate a lagging slave as healthy.
  • Max Connection: Specify a maximum number of connections allowed to access this backend server.
  • Max Latency(ms): Specify maximum latency in microseconds
  • Use SSL: Use SSL to the backend server. Details at ProxySQL SSL Support.
  • Use Compression: Use compression to the backend server.
Host Groups
  • List of hostgroups created under this service.
  • Click on ‘Edit’ to edit the server details like hostgroup id, weight, max replication lag, and so on.
  • Click on ‘Remove’ to delete the selected server.
ProxySQL Cluster
  • A list of ProxySQL nodes belongs to this ProxySQL cluster.
  • Only available if you enabled ProxySQL native clustering.


List out all users created under this ProxySQL.

Field Description
Import Users
  • Opens the import wizard. ClusterControl will list MySQL users retrieved from the database cluster. Check the boxes that you would like to import and click Next. In the next stage, you have to specify the default hostgroup for the selected users before instructing ClusterControl to start importing those users
Add New User
  • Creates a new user for the ProxySQL instance as well as the backend MySQL server.
  • Edit the selected user. This will expand a dialog for you to fine-tune the user details before updating it into ProxySQL.
Drop User
  • Drop the selected user.


Lists out all ProxySQL variables for this instance. You can filter the variables using the lookup field. Details at ProxySQL Global Variables.

Scheduler Scripts

Lists out scheduler script, commonly being configured if you are running ProxySQL on top of Galera Cluster. The scheduler is a cron-like implementation integrated inside ProxySQL with millisecond granularity. Details at ProxySQL Scheduler.

Node Performance

Provides a summary of host information and statistic histogram including CPU, disk, network, and memory usage.

Process List

Lists out ProxySQL process list, similar to the output of sSELECT * FROM stats_mysql_processlist. This can be useful for troubleshooting processes and making sure the query is routed properly to the respective hostgroup in real-time.


Provides a detailed view of ProxySQL stats. ClusterControl connects to the ProxySQL admin interface to retrieve the stats and visualize them here.


Lists out exporter jobs per host. A green exporter means the exporter is working correctly.


Shows the Prometheus settings.

Node Actions

SSH Console

Opens a web-based SSH terminal in a new browser window that allows executing shell commands on the server directly from a browser as the configured os_user. This feature is only supported with Apache 2.4+ with a running cmon-ssh daemon. For more details, on this component, see ClusterControl SSH.

Schedule Maintenance Mode

Puts individual nodes into maintenance mode which prevents ClusterControl from raising alarms and notifications during the maintenance period. When toggling ON, you can set the maintenance period for a pre-defined time or schedule it accordingly. Specify the reason for auditing purposes. ClusterControl will not degrade the node, hence the node’s state remains as it is unless you perform any maintenance on it.

Alarms and notifications for this node will be activated back once the maintenance period is exceeded, or you explicitly toggling it OFF.


If node auto-recovery is enabled, ClusterControl will always recover a node regardless of the maintenance mode status. Don’t forget to disable node auto-recovery to avoid ClusterControl interfering with your maintenance tasks.

Reboot Host

Initiates a system reboot of the selected host. Once initiated, ClusterControl will monitor the reboot progress every 5 seconds for 10 minutes (600 seconds) before declaring the reboot operation has failed.

Restart Node

Restarts the active monitored process of the selected host. For example, if the node’s role is HAProxy, ClusterControl will restart the HAProxy process. This is not a system reboot. Only available if the service is started.

You can configure the graceful shutdown timeout (default is 1800 seconds) in the Confirm Shutdown dialog. ClusterControl will give up waiting for a node to gracefully terminate. If the node is still running after the timeout you may send the SIGKILL signal to force the node down by toggling on the “Force stop (SIGKILL) node after the graceful shutdown timeout has been reached” option.

The node will be shut down and enter maintenance mode.

Stop Node

Stops the monitored process of the selected host. For example, if the node’s role is HAProxy, ClusterControl will restart the HAProxy process. This is not a system shutdown. Only available if the service is started.

You can configure the graceful shutdown timeout (default is 1800 seconds) in the Confirm Shutdown dialog. ClusterControl will give up waiting for a node to gracefully terminate. If the node is still running after the timeout you may send the SIGKILL signal to force the node down by toggling on the “Force stop (SIGKILL) node after the graceful shutdown timeout has been reached” option.

The node will be shut down and enter maintenance mode.

Unregister Node

Removes the database node from the database cluster and/or ClusterControl monitoring. You can choose one of these three options:

Field Description
Keep the service running
  • The node will be unregistered from ClusterControl but the service will be kept running. This node will remain part of the database cluster.
Stop service and keep files untouched
  • The node will be unregistered from ClusterControl and the service will be stopped. Data files and configuration files will be left intact on the server. The node will be down but will be part of the database cluster if started.
Stop and uninstall service (all configuration files will be deleted)
  • The node will be unregistered from ClusterControl and the service will be stopped. Data files and configuration files will be deleted from the server. The monitored service will be disabled to prevent accidental restarts.

Cluster-specific Node Actions

Some of the node management feature sets are built for a particular cluster, as described in the next sections.

Galera Cluster

These are specific options available for Galera nodes:

Field Description
Resync Node
  • Removes all files in the datadir on this node and forces a full resync of any existing full backup or SST from a donor. The former is recommended to bring the joiner node to the closest point and gain the probability of IST which is a non-blocking operation. This is necessary sometimes if the Galera node is trying to recover multiple times and there is for example a filesystem issue. Wait for its completion before starting another node with Initial Start.
Bootstrap Cluster
  • Launches the bootstrap cluster window. ClusterControl will stop all running nodes before bootstrapping the cluster from the selected Galera node.
Rebuild Replication Slave
  • Rebuilds replication slave on this node from another master. This is only relevant if you have set up a replication slave for the cluster and you want to resync the data. It uses Percona Xtrabackup to stage the replication data.
Start Node
  • This option is only available if the node is down. It starts the database instance on this node. If you tick ‘Perform an initial start?’, it will remove all files in the MySQL datadir and force a full resync (SST), which is necessary sometimes if the Galera node fails to reach a synced state after multiple node recovery attempts and there is a filesystem issue.
Make Primary
  • This option is only available if the node is down. It makes sense to use this if the Galera node is reported as a non-Primary component from the Overview page. ClusterControl will attempt to promote the node from a non-Primary state to a Primary component.
Enable Binary Logging
  • Updates the related configurations on this host to enable binary logging. A replication slave can then be added to the node, or it may be possible to use the binary log for point-in-time recovery (PITR). See Point-in-Time Recovery for details. A server restart is needed to finalize the configuration update.

Rebuilding Replication Slave will wipe out the selected node’s MySQL datadir.

MySQL Cluster

These are specific options available for MySQL cluster nodes:

Field Description
Shutdown Node
  • Stops the database instance on this node. This is not a system shutdown.
Restart Node
  • Stops and starts the database instance on this node. This is not a system reboot.
Restart Node
  • Initiates a system reboot on this host.
Start Node
  • This option is only available if the node is down. It starts the database instance on this node.

MySQL Replication

These are specific options available for MySQL replication nodes:

Field Description
Disable Readonly
  • Disable read-only by setting up SET GLOBAL read_only = OFF. This option is only available if read-only is on.
Enable Readonly
  • Enable read-only by setting up SET GLOBAL read_only = ON. This option is only available if read-only is off.
Promote Slave
  • Exclusive for slave node. Promotes the selected slave to become the new master. If the master is currently functioning correctly, then stop application queries before promoting another slave to safeguard from data loss. Connections on the current running master will be killed after a 10-second grace period.
Start Slave
  • Exclusive for slave node and only if the slave is stopped. It starts the slave thread
Stop Slave
  • Exclusive for slave node and only if the slave is started. Stops the slave IO and SQL threads.
Rebuild Replication Slave
  • Exclusive for slave nodes. Rebuilds replication slave on this node from another master. It can use an existing backup (PITR compatible) or use Percona Xtrabackup to stage the replication data from a master.
Change Replication Master
  • Exclusive for slave nodes. This option will tell ClusterControl to change the replication master to the other available master. All slaves will then be configured to replicate from the new master.
Reset Slave
  • Exclusive for slave node. Make the slave forget its replication position in the master’s binary log. This is similar to running a RESET SLAVE command on the slave. The slave must be stopped for this feature to work.
Reset Slave All
  • Exclusive for slave node. Make the slave forget its replication position in the master’s binary log, as well as any replication connection parameters such as master host, master port, master user, or master password. This is similar to running a RESET SLAVE ALL command on the slave. The slave must be stopped for this feature to work.

Rebuilding Replication Slave will wipe out the selected node’s MySQLdatadir.

MySQL Standalone

These are specific options available for MySQL standalone nodes:

Field Description
Enable Binary Logging
  • Updates the related configurations on the node to enable binary logging. A replication slave can then be added to the node, or it may be possible to use the binary log for point-in-time recovery (PITR). See Point-in-Time Recovery for details. A server restart is needed to finalize the configuration update.
Disable Read Only
  • Disables read-only by setting up SET GLOBAL read_only = OFF. This option is only available if read-only is on.
Enable Read Only
  • Enables read-only by setting up SET GLOBAL read_only = ON. This option is only available if read-only is off.


The following are specific options available for ProxySQL nodes:

  • Sync Instances
    • Synchronizes a ProxySQL configuration with other instances to keep them identical. You can perform syncing operations (export & import), export (backup), or import (restore) of ProxySQL configurations.
    • For export (backup), the configuration data will be exported into several SQL dump files where applicable. The following configuration data will be exported:
      • Query Rules
      • Host Groups/Servers
      • Users and corresponding MySQL users
      • Global Variables
      • Scheduler
      • proxysql.cnf
    • For import (restore), the existing configuration will be overwritten.

Failover, Switchover, Topology Changes and Recovery

ClusterControl performs failover, switchover, and recovery procedures based on the cluster topology that the user has set up. Since MySQL can be running in hybrid replication mode e.g., a three-node Galera Cluster with two asynchronous replication slaves attached to it.

Galera Cluster Recovery

Node Recovery

In the Galera Cluster, all nodes are equal – each node holds the same role and the same dataset. Therefore, there is no failover within the cluster if a node fails. Only the application side requires failover, to skip the inoperational nodes while the cluster is partitioned. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to place load balancers on top of a Galera Cluster to:

  • Unify the multiple database endpoints to a single endpoint (load balancer host or virtual IP address as the endpoint).
  • Balance the database connections between the backend database servers.
  • Perform health checks and only forward the database connections to healthy nodes.
  • Redirect/rewrite/block offending (badly written) queries before they hit the database servers.
    For the Galera Cluster, ClusterControl supports HAProxy, MariaDB MaxScale, and ProxySQL. ClusterControl also supports virtual IP address implementation through Keepalived. If having a load balancer is not an option, ensure your applications are aware of these topology changes and redirect the request to the healthy node accordingly. There are several MySQL connectors that come with built-in automatic failover like php-mysqlnd_ms for PHP and MySQL Connector/J for Java.

For node recovery, if the cluster loses a minority of the nodes at one time, the majority of nodes will be very likely to remain operational, thanks to the Galera quorum calculation and group communication. When the problematic node comes back up, the node will re-establish group communication with the operational nodes and automatic syncing operation will take place before the node is allowed to join the cluster. In simple words, the node recovery process is handled automatically by Galera. Nevertheless, ClusterControl will still oversee this recovery process and notify users of the status and progress. ClusterControl automatic node recovery will only kick in if Galera’s automatic recovery fails.

Cluster Recovery

A cluster is deemed as a failure if all nodes or the majority of the nodes go offline without graceful shutdown. Offline in this context means they are not able to see each other through Galera’s replication traffic or group communication. Examples of cluster failure include power trips against all or the majority of the nodes, MySQL/MariaDB, or Galera software crashes due to bugs or shared-storage failures. If total failure happens, bootstrap is the only way to go.

In the case of a network glitch, Galera will always attempt to recover a partitioned cluster once the network issue is resolved. Galera will automatically re-establish the communication between members, exchange node’s states, and determine the possibility of reforming the primary component by comparing node state, UUIDs, and seqnos. If the probability is there, Galera will merge the primary components and the cluster can resume in the operational state without any intervention. Otherwise, you have to promote at least one of the nodes to become a primary component or re-bootstrap the cluster.

To re-bootstrap a cluster, pick one node (usually the most advanced node by looking at the highest wsrep_committed value) and then go to Cluster Action → Bootstrap Cluster → Bootstrap Node. ClusterControl will then perform the cluster bootstrapping process from the chosen node. You can choose Auto-Select from the dropdown in case you can’t figure out which node is the most advanced node. ClusterControl will always try to bootstrap the most up-to-date node if this option is selected.

Otherwise, you can run the following command on the most advanced node to simply promote it again as a primary component:

mysql> SET GLOBAL 'wsrep_provider_options="pc.bootstrap=1"'

To learn more about Galera Cluster recovery when network partitioning happens, check out this blog post, Galera Cluster Recovery 101 – A Deep Dive into Network Partitioning.

Asynchronous Cluster Recovery

On the other hand, it’s also possible to have asynchronous replication between two Galera Clusters. This should be handled differently and we have covered the failover and failback procedures in this blog post, Asynchronous Replication Between MySQL Galera Clusters – Failover and Failback.

MySQL Replication Master Failover

In MySQL Replication, the process of promoting a replica (slave) to become a master after the old master has failed is called failover. On the other hand, “switchover” happens when the user triggers the promotion of the replica. A new master is promoted from a replica pointed by the user and the old master, typically, becomes a replica of the new master.

ClusterControl applies industry best practices to make sure that the failover process is performed correctly. It also ensures that the process will be safe – default settings are intended to abort the failover if possible issues are detected. Those settings can be overridden by the user should they want to prioritize failover over data safety. Take note that ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery only if auto-recovery is toggled on.


All of the configuration options mentioned in this section can be configured under /etc/cmon.d/cmon_X.cnf, where X is the cluster-ID of the MySQL Replication.

For more info on how to control the replication failover behavior performed by ClusterControl (whitelist/blacklist configuration, determine a good/bad master candidate, etc), check out this blog post, How to Control Replication Failover for MySQL and MariaDB. For a complete list of configuration options related to MySQL Replication, see ClusterControl Controller Configuration Options.

Reverse Proxies with Keepalived

To eliminate a single point of failure (SPOF) in the load balancer tier, a redundant reverse proxy is one of the ways to go. That’s why to deploy Keepalived using ClusterControl, you need two or more load balancers installed by or imported into ClusterControl. Keepalived will be used to tie load balancers together with a floating IP address in an active-passive mode, where the active node is the one that holds the virtual IP address at one given time.

For production usage, we highly recommend the load balancer software to be running on a standalone host and not co-located with your database nodes. Check out this blog post, How ClusterControl Configures Virtual IP and What to Expect During Failover for more info on how ClusterControl deploys Keepalived and what happens during failover.

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