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Starting from ClusterControl 1.9.7 (September 2023), ClusterControl GUI v2 is the default frontend graphical user interface (GUI) for ClusterControl. Note that the GUI v1 is considered a feature-freeze product with no future development. All new developments will be happening on ClusterControl GUI v2. See User Guide (GUI v2).

For users with a valid subscription (Advanced and Enterprise), enter your license key here to unlock additional features based on the subscription. The license string contains information about the license type, company/affiliation, email, expiration date, and the total number of licensed nodes.

The following example is the license information that one would get from us:

Email: [email protected]
Company: Severalnines AB
Expiration Date: 2019-04-23
Licensed Nodes: 1
License Key: ewogICAgImNvbXBhbnkiOiAiU2V2ZXJhbG5pbmPkIEFCIiwKICAgICJlbWFpbF9hZGRyZXNzIjog

It is very important to only paste the license key string, which is the string that starts after the “License Key: ” part (as in the example, ewogI...until the end of the string, ...Z2g== with no extra/trailing character) into the license text field. The new license key should be loaded into the ClusterControl runtime immediately after pressing Update License and no service restart is necessary.

When the license expires, ClusterControl defaults back to the Community Edition. For features comparison, please refer to the ClusterControl product page.

If you would like to force the existing Enterprise edition to the Community edition (commonly to test out and compare different editions during trial), you can truncate the license table on the ClusterControl host manually. On the ClusterControl server, run:

$ mysql -uroot -p cmon -e "TRUNCATE TABLE cmon.license"
$ systemctl restart cmon

Once a trial license is truncated and cmon is restarted, there is no way you can re-activate the same trial license anymore.

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