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This section provides information about Cloud Credentials, as accessible via Backup Ninja → Account → Cloud Credentials.

A successfully created backup can be stored locally on the database host, or to a remote location like an on-premises storage server (via a local disk mount), private or public cloud storage.

To store a backup on a cloud-based object storage service, you must have an account with proper permission on our supported cloud platforms.

Supported Cloud Platforms

Backup Ninja has built-in integration with the following cloud storage platforms:

  • Amazon Web Services– Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Google Cloud Platform – Google Cloud Storage
  • DigitalOcean – DigitalOcean Spaces
  • CityCloud (Sweden)
  • ExoScale (Switzerland)
  • ScanNet (Denmark)
  • ScaleWay (France)
  • Safespring (Sweden)
  • Elastx (Sweden)
  • Backblaze
  • Wasabi
  • Filebase
  • gridscale

We have also added support to upload backups to any AWS S3 compliant cloud storage provider. If your favorite cloud provider is not part of our default list of providers but has a public AWS S3 compliant API, then you can easily add them by using our S3 Custom Storage Provider credentials.

If you already have an account with any of the above cloud providers, you may set up the cloud credentials so it can be used as one of your backup destinations when scheduling a backup.

Ensure the corresponding credential has been granted to read and write on the target bucket/storage/directory. Commonly, the credentials can be obtained by creating a specific role via the respective cloud provider’s Identity Access Management (IAM) feature.

There are multiple ways to create a working credential, and each of them might be different depending on the providers. Check the respective cloud provider’s documentation for details.

Add a New Cloud Credential

Make sure the following things are ready before adding a new cloud credential:

  • An active Backup Ninja agent (a server has been added into Servers and the Backup Ninja agent is running)
  • Access Key and Secret Key to access the supported object storage service. See Cloud Permission for details.

When clicking [keybtAdd Cloud Credential[/keybt] button, you will be presented with a step-by-step configuration wizard:

1) Cloud Provider

Pick one of the supported cloud providers. Click on Continue to configure a region.

2) Region

Pick one of the available regions of the chosen cloud provider. Click Continue to configure the access credential.

3) Credentials

Specify the required Access Key, Secret Key and Bucket.

Backup Ninja will automatically create the specified bucket if does not exist. The actual backup destination will be depending on the Backup Name when you schedule a backup later on. See Schedules for details.

Click on Continue to go to the latest step.

4) Configuration

Specify a name and assign it to an active agent under the Agent dropdown. One Cloud Credential can only be assigned to one active Agent, because every credential binds to one bucket. If you would like to assign the same credential to another agent, create another credential with a different bucket configuration and assign it to the corresponding agent.

Finally, click Add Cloud Credential to complete the steps.

Cloud Credential List

Created credentials will be listed here on this page and can’t be modified. To delete an existing credential, simply click on the red bin icon.

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