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  5. Cloud Credentials

Cloud Credentials

This section provides a description of how to create cloud credentials for Backup Ninja.

Creating Cloud Credentials

Amazon Web Services

  • In the AWS Management Console, go to the IAM dashboard section, choose your username in the Users section, and then go to the Security Credentials tab.
  • In the Access keys section, choose to Create Access Key.

Press on Download .csv File to save the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key to a file on your computer. After you close the dialog box, you can’t retrieve this secret access key again.

  • Copy the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, and paste it in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the AWS official documentation.


  • In the Backblaze site, go to My Account, and choose the App Keys section.
  • In Your Applications Keys, press on Add a New Application Key.
  • The keyID will be your Access Key and the application key will be your Secret Key in Backup Ninja.

Store the keyID and application key in a secure place as it will only appear once in the UI.

  • Copy the keyID and application key, and paste it in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the Backblaze official documentation.


  • Go to the CityCloud admin site and create a new Access Key and Secret Key.

Copy the generated keys and store it in a secure place.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste them in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the CityCloud official documentation.


  • In the DigitalOcean Console, go to API under the Account section, and then press on Generate New Key.

Copy the generated Secret Key and store it in a secure place, as you won’t be able to see it again in the UI.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste it in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the DigitalOcean official documentation.


  • Go to the Elastx site and get the corresponding Keys.

Copy the generated keys and store them in a secure place.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste them in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the Elastx official documentation.


  • Go to the Exoscale Portal or use the CLI to create a new IAM Key.

Copy the generated keys and store them in a secure place.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste them in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the Exoscale official documentation.


  • In the Filebase site, go to Settings where you will find the Key to be used in Backup Ninja.

Copy the generated keys and store them in a secure place.

  • Copy the S3 API Access Key ID and S3 API Secret Access Key, and paste it in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the Filebase official documentation.

Google Cloud Platform

  • In the Google Cloud Platform, go to the Storage section, Settings, and finally, choose the Interoperability tab.
  • In the Service account HMAC section, press on CREATE A KEY FOR A SERVICE ACCOUNT.
  • Choose an existing Service Account or create a new one.
  • Press on CREATE A KEY.

Copy the key’s secret in a safe place. Once you close the dialog when you create it, the secret can’t be recovered.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret, and paste it in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the GCP official documentation.


  • Go to the gridscale site and get the corresponding Keys.

Copy the generated keys and store them in a secure place.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste them in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the gridscale official documentation.


  • Go to the Safespring site and get the corresponding Keys.

Copy the generated keys and store them in a secure place.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste them in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the Safespring official documentation.


  • Go to the Scaleway site and get the corresponding Keys.

Copy the generated keys and store them in a secure place.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste them in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the Scaleway official documentation.


  • Go to the ScanNet site and get the corresponding Keys.

Copy the generated keys and store them in a secure place.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste them in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the ScanNet official documentation.


  • In the Wasabi Console, go to the Access Keys section, and then press on Create New Access Key.
  • Select the type of key (root or sub-user) and press on CREATE.

Download your key file, which contains your new access key and secret access key, and store it in a secure place. You will not be able to retrieve your secret access key again.

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key, and paste them in the Backup Ninja Cloud Credentials section.

For more information, you can refer to the Wasabi official documentation.

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