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  5. Backups
  6. Backup List

Backup List

By default, Backup Ninja shows the button Schedule Backup once you don’t have any backup created yet. If you want to schedule and create a backup, please refer to Schedule a Backup.

Once a backup has been created (regardless of the status), it will be listed on this page. There are two indicator icons at the beginning of every row, showing if compression and/or encryption is enabled for that particular backup. Rollover to these icons to reveal the actual state. Moreover, you can also tell by looking at the color of the icons (bolder icon if the option is enabled).

Just after the icons column, it is followed by the checkbox column which indicates that a record is clickable for any following actions you can take for the backup entry, such as deleting a backup.

In the Backup List, there are 5 titled columns here which are Name,Status, Started At (duration), Server, and Schedule.

  • The Name column shows the name of your backup file with its designated file extension.
  • The Status column indicates the execution state of the backup. It is a sortable column and you can sort the list of backup entries based on the values of Status which are: Failed, Running, Completed, or Pending. Take note, for Completed status, there are occasions that the backup contains errors. It will mark as Completed, but an icon beside the title is displayed indicating that an error was encountered. The column Status value is also clickable. Once clicked, it will reveal logs of the backup with its timestamp based on the events of execution.
  • The Started At (duration) the column shows the timestamp when the backup was executed. It is a sortable column.
  • The Server column shows the name of the host and its IP of the server on which the backup was taken. The value of this column is based on the Server List. Its column value is clickable. Once clicked, it will reveal the state of the bartender process of health status within the server if it’s running or inactive.
  • The Schedule column shows the name of your scheduled backup. It is a sortable column and also its values are clickable. Once clicked, it will reveal a panel showing information such as the name of the scheduled backup, its backup schedule, and the type of backup method.

For every backup, you can expand the entry by clicking on the + icon at the leftmost column. This will reveal the actual location of the backup (local or cloud storage), with its storage label or your costumed label name, size, expiring date (retention time), and a number of actions, as explained further down.

Viewing A Backup Entry

By clicking the + button in the list of backup entries will allow you to view more information about the backup such as its path, storage (the name of the label you have set creating a schedule under Storages), the size of the backup, when it will expire, and a series of actions you can do represented by 3 icons. These icons are Restore, Decrypt, or Download.

Filtering The Backup List

In the Backups page, you can filter the list with the following items:

  • mongodump backups
  • pg_basebackup backups
  • pgdump backups
  • mariabackup backups
  • mysqldump backups
  • xtrabackup backups
  • Running backups
  • Failed backups
  • Complete with errors backups
  • Completed backups
  • Pending backups
  • by server name
  • by scheduled name

These filters can be used in a series of combinations, so you can reveal a more refined list of the backup list especially if you have tons of backup lists on the Backup List page.

Deleting Backups

Backup Ninja approaches the deletion event by communicating with the backup agent (bartender). To delete a backup, you just have to leave the checkbox button enabled or checked, then click the Delete Backups. It can delete one (1) or more backups at the same time.

When deleting a backup, it will delete the current working directory including the file of the backup from all the storage locations. However, if you created the current working directory ahead of the backup was created, deleting the backup will not delete the current working directory if there are other files inside the current working directory where the backup is located. So for example, if you have /opt/backups/backup-ninja/backup-1 already exists and contains the file(s) inside the current directory, the backup-1 directory will not be deleted. The same applies to using cloud storage, such as Amazon S3.


Deleting a backup where a server was deleted prior to the backup, its backup file and current working directory won’t be affected. It will only be deleted in the UI. This is because deleting a server will also terminate and delete the binary of the Backup Ninja agent (bartender). Backup Ninja loses contact with the server and cannot apply any further actions such as deleting a backup.

Please refer to Deleting The Server section to get more details.


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