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  • Release Data: September 1st, 2021
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to latest agent v1.2.2-484 is required to restore backups created on managed databases such as Amazon RDS.


  • In mysqldump –master-data flag is deprecated and it was replaced with new flag –source-data.


  • Restore of backups created with mysqldump on managed databases, i.e. Amazon RDS was failing due to missing flag. Newly created backups can be restored now.



  • Release Date: May 27th, 2021
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to latest agent v1.2.0-478 is required to upload backups into Safespring STO2 region.


  • Safespring S3 region is changed to STO2.



  • Release Date: March 16th, 2021
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to latest agent v1.2.0-476 version is required to upload large backup files into cloud storage.


  • Cloud provider maximum allowed object size limit is increased and it allows to upload large backup files into cloud storage.



  • Release Date: February 23th, 2021
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to latest agent v1.2.0-474 version is required to pass additional parameters to mongodump.


  • Mongodump extra parameters can be passed now. To pass parameters need to create new yaml file in /var/lib/backup-agent/jobs with {schedule_name}.extra.yaml name. Parameters can be set as “params: –readPreference: secondary” or “flags: [–forceTableScan, –otherFlag]”. Agent should be restarted after creating extra yaml file.



  • Release Date: January 20th, 2021
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to latest agent v1.2.0-468 version is required to use MySQL PITR timestamp feature.


  • MySQL PITR timestamp option is added and it’s possible to select specific time during backup restore.



  • Release Date: January 15th, 2021
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to latest agent v1.2.0-464 version is required to use MySQL PITR feature.


  • MySQL Point-In-Time Recovery feature is added. Supported backup method is mysqldump.
  • Company VAT ID is now included in invoices.
  • Added missing endpoint in Backblaze cloud provider.


  • Typo in pg_basebackup instructions is fixed.



  • Release Date: January 11th, 2021
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is not required.


  • Added unsubscribe link into email footer.


  • Few billing related bugs are fixed.



  • Release Date: December 4th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is not required.


  • Agent versions below 1.1.0-439 do not support the free plan and all schedules will be paused until an agent is upgraded.
  • Free plan minor UI changes.



  • Release Date: December 2nd, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is required to the latest agent 1.1.0-439 version to be able to use the service with the free plan.


  • A new free plan is introduced which is automatically activated when the trial period is expired. The free plan comes with limitations such as 1 backup per agent per day, 1 restore per agent per day, no instant backup, cloud storage and backup encryption is disabled. Users can add an unlimited amount of agents and schedules. Cloud credentials can be added but they can’t be used in schedules.



  • Release Date: November 26th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is not required


  • The schedule kept running if the schedule agent is changed to another one.
  • After canceling a subscription resuming the paused schedule was not possible.



  • Release Date: November 25th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is not required


  • New AWS regions Italy(Milan) and South Africa(Cape Town) added.
  • mysqldump full backup supports backup per file feature, which stores each database as a separate file.


  • A backup restore dialog window is simplified, few elements were removed and now less input is required to restore a backup from the user.


  • On schedule, the view page displayed the latest removed backups related to the exact schedule.



  • Release Date: November 24th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to the latest agent v1.1.0-434 is required to be able to create partial backups with mysqldump.


  • The full backup type is removed from the pg_dump method as it supports only partial backups and a single database.
  • Action links’ text was changed, i.e. Backup Now and “Duplicate Schedule“.
  • On the server’s page “Finish Installation” button is disabled until the agent is fully ready.


  • mysqldump partial backup creation was crashing the agent, fixed in agent v1.1.0-434.
  • The newly created schedule view page was displaying purged backups.



  • Release Date: November 19th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is not required.


  • The latest restores are now displayed on the schedule view page as well. Before it was displayed only on the Backups page.
  • On the schedule view page when the schedule has no backups instead of the empty list the last purged backups will be displayed.


  • The existing user checkbox was changed into a tab on the agent installation page. To configure the remote database connection “Existing user” tab should be selected.


  • Files GLOB pattern validation is extended and the path should be absolute.
  • Schedule Backup link on servers list was crashing the web app if clicked during agent installation.
  • Schedule name validation was not working during creating a copy of the schedule.



  • Release Date: November 17th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to the latest agent version v1.1.0-430 is required to be able to use PostgreSQL PITR.


  • PostgreSQL PITR automated back up and restore is added. To be able to use this feature pg_basebackup should be select as a backup method. All versions of PostgreSQL 9.6 and above are supported. Restore time-range support is coming soon.
  • Schedule Backup link is added into server list, now schedules can be created from Servers page.
  • Added Create Backup Now feature which creates a backup right after clicking. It’s useful when backup should be created immediately without waiting for when it will be created by schedule.


  • Minor bug fixes.



  • Release Date: October 29th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Update to the latest version is required to use GridScale cloud provider and Amazon RDS.


  • Added new GridScale cloud provider.
  • A new schedule view page implemented which combines all backups and schedule properties.


  • Amazon RDS backup creation was failing due to default limited database permissions, the issue is fixed now.
  • In the agent installation command, special characters were not escaped.



  • Release Date: October 22nd, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to the latest version of the agent is required to be able to use a socket connection.


  • Unix socket connection was not passing database password, because of that it was not possible to configure the agent to use Unix socket. Note, to use Unix socket should be used localhost instead of as a hostname.



  • Release Date: October 20th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to the latest version of the agent is required to be able to restore incremental backups automatically.


  • Full backup automatic restore – full backups are taken with xtrabackup and mariabackup can be restored automatically. Supports both automatic restore and manual restore.
  • Incremental backup automatic restore – incremental backups are taken with xtrabackup and mariabackup can be restored automatically, manual instructions are also provided on UI. Tested with mariabackup 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 and xtrabackup 2.3(EOL), 2.4, 8.0. Changing the schedule name with incremental backup type could potentially break the order, thus it’s not recommended to change the schedule name.



  • Release Date: September 25th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to the latest version of the agent is required to be able to create incremental backups.


  • An incremental backup schedule and restore feature is added. Currently, xtrabackup and mariabackup methods are supported. Backups can be restored manually and restore instructions are provided on UI. On the Backups page, incremental backups have a special icon to distinguish them from other backups.



  • Release Date: September 18th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is not required


  • Backups can be selected by pressing the schedule name in the Backups list. By hitting schedule name these additional actions can be executed: pause/resume schedule, navigate to the schedule edit page, see the state of the schedule.
  • Backups stored in a cloud can be downloaded into any server if the agent is installed. Cloud credentials can be manually inserted during download or use existing cloud credentials if added beforehand.
  • On the Servers page agents with remote database connections indicated with a special icon.


  • Restore button was removed from the top of the Backups list. Instead, each backup should be expanded to be able to restore it.
  • The delete button is hidden by default and any backup should be selected to make it visible.



  • Release Date: September 15th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is required to 1.1.0-386 version to use new cloud providers.


  • Two new cloud providers are added: Elastx (https://elastx.se/en/) and Filebase (https://filebase.com/).
  • Managed databases are now supported. Now agents can connect to a database located in the remote hosts.


  • Minor UI bugfixes.



  • Release Date: September 3rd, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is required to the latest agent version in order to use partial backup features.


  • Partial backup supported is extended. Now mariabackup, xtrabackup, mongodump, pg_dumpall support partial backups.
  • The backup method version is displayed during creating a schedule.



  • Release Date: August 26th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is required to the latest agent version 1.1.0-369 in order to use pg_dump partial backups.


  • A partial backup of PostgreSQL databases  pg_dump is available. The feature also provides options to exclude and include tables. Currently, unable to select multiple databases for backup.
  • Include tables in backup with mysqldump is added. The server’s configured character set and collation settings will be used if such backup is restored on a new database instance.


  • Backup of /sys path is not allowed in files and folders backup.



  • Version: 1.8.0
  • Release Date: August 24th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is required to the latest agent version 1.1.0-366 in order to use partial backups with mysqldump.


  • New mysqldump a feature that provides the option to choose specific databases and exclude tables before creating a backup. Each database dump can be stored as a separate file.


Path /var/lib/lxcfs/ is skipped in files and folders backup due to a bug in Ubuntu lxcfs package. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxcfs/+bug/1656309


  • pg_dump auto-restore UI issue is fixed.
  • Agent crash which related to large files upload into the cloud is fixed.



  • Version: 1.7.0
  • Release Date: August 7th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is not required


  • A new referral feature is added.
  • Database backup connection can be configured if file backup was enabled before.



  • Version: 1.6.2
  • Release Date: July 31st, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade to agent v1.1.0-331 is required to be able to use newly released features.


  • New cloud provider Wasabi is added.
  • New cloud provider, Backblaze is added.
  • Files and directories backup can be scheduled without adding s9s user into the database.


  • The first and last name input fields are removed from the registration page.


  • Fixed failing cloud credential validation when bucket list is empty.



  • Version: 1.6.1
  • Release Date: July 28th, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Upgrade is not required


  • New notifications page added – notifications feature moved out from profile settings and now can be found in the sidebar menu.
    Files and directory backups can be restored to any location within the server.



  • Version: 1.6.0
  • Release Date: July 21st, 2020
  • Upgrade Notes: Files and folders backup (beta)


  • Files and directories backup – supports compression, encryption, and archiving backup files. Only regular files backup is supported, symlinks are not supported. Backup of paths /proc /run /dev is not supported. To be able to backup files agent should be upgraded manually.


  • The horizontal scroll on the Backups page is fixed.
  • Custom S3 endpoint ending with “/” now passes the validation.
  • Fixed blank backup file URL of Custom S3 cloud provider.

v0.1 (beta)


  • Version: 0.1
  • Release Date: October 16th, 2019
  • Upgrade Notes: Initial release for beta testers

New Features

  • “6” Supported Databases: MySQL v5.x – 8.x, Percona v5.x – 8.x, MariaDB v10.x, PostgreSQL & TimescaleDB v9-11, MongoDB v4.x
  • Logical and Physical backups – mysqldump, xtrabackup, mariabackup, pg_dumpall, pg_basebackup, mongodump
  • Full Backups with file encryption and compression – AES-256 (OFB) and gzip
  • Local and Cloud Storage – 8 Cloud storage providers; AWS S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, Google Cloud Storage, CityCloud (Sweden), Safespring (Sweden), ScanNet (Denmark), ScaleWay (France), ExoScale (Switzerland)
  • Backup Restore – Manual Instructions Only – How to decrypt, decompress and restore a backup
  • Profile/Account – Contact Info, Reset / Update password, Delete Account
  • Activity Log – Log of user actions
  • Install Agent / Add Server – Debian / Redhat compatible systems
  • Restart, Upgrade, Re-install, Delete/Uninstall the agent
  • Create Backup Schedule / Configuration – Stop, resume and delete configuration,
  • Multiple Storage locations – local and cloud – Backup Retention per storage location
  • System Notifications – Welcome to the service / verify account, Reset Password, Backup job, agent and schedule events
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