Database performance monitoring and advisors.
Mongo Stats
A quick overview of the status of running Mongod instances grouped by shard (or replica set) similar to Mongostat command collected every db_stats_collection_interval
(configured inside CMON configuration file).
Field |
Description |
Queries |
- The number of query operations per second.
Inserts |
- The number of objects inserted into the database per second. If followed by an asterisk (e.g. *), the datum refers to a replicated operation.
Updates |
- The number of update operations per second.
Deletes |
- The number of delete operations per second.
Command |
- The number of commands per second.
Getmore |
- The number of getting more (i.e. cursor batch) operations per second.
Vsize |
- The amount of virtual memory in megabytes used by the process at the time of the last Mongostat call.
Res |
- The amount of resident memory in megabytes used by the process at the time of the last Mongostat call.
Faults |
- The number of page faults per second.
Locked(%) |
- The percent of the time in a global write lock.
idx miss(%) |
- The percent of index access attempts that required a page fault to load a btree node.
qr|qw |
- qr – The length of the queue of clients waiting to read data from the MongoDB instance.
- qw – The length of the queue of clients waiting to write data from the MongoDB instance.
ar|aw |
- ar – The number of active clients performing read operations.
- aw – The number of active clients performing write operations.
NetIn |
- The amount of network traffic, in bytes, received by the MongoDB instance.
NetOut |
- The amount of network traffic, in bytes, sent by the MongoDB instance.
Conn |
- The total number of open connections.
Time |
- The last time ClusterControl fetch for node’s status.
Provides an overview of database operations by type and makes it possible to analyze the load on the database in a more granular manner.
Field |
Description |
opcounters |
- An aggregated view of all
opscounters in a single graph.
opcounters.query |
- Provides a graph of the total number of queries received since the Mongod instance last started.
opcounters.insert |
- Provides a graph of the total number of insert operations received since the Mongod instance last started.
opcounters.update |
- Provides a graph of the total number of update operations received since the Mongod instance last started.
opcounters.delete |
- Provides a graph of the total number of delete operations since the Mongod instance last started.
opcounters.getmore |
- Provides a graph of the total number of “getmore” operations since the Mongod instance last started.
opcounters.getmore |
- Provides a graph of the total number of commands issued to the database since the Mongod instance last started.
Lists of scheduled advisors’ results created in ClusterControl → Manage → Developer Studio using ClusterControl DSL. You can think of it as a ‘scheduled mini-program’ which executes a script created in Developer Studio and produces a result containing status, advice, and justification. Each advisor can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the dropdown icon at the top right corner.
Field |
Description |
Show Advisors |
- Filters the advisor result based on the tag.
Edit |
- Opens the advisor script in Developer Studio.
Disable |
- Disables the advisor script from running.
Status |
- Advisor status – Ok, Warning, Critical.
DB Instance |
- The database server the advisor running on.
Justification |
- The result of advisors’ execution.
Advice |
- The advisor’s decision based on the justification.
Starting from ClusterControl 1.9.7 (September 2023), ClusterControl GUI v2 is the default frontend graphical user interface (GUI) for ClusterControl. Note that the GUI v1 is considered a feature-freeze product with no future development. All new developments will be happening on ClusterControl GUI v2. See User Guide (GUI v2).