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  6. Import a Database Cluster

Import a Database Cluster

Import a Database Cluster

Choose from the list of database cluster technology, vendors, and versions to import an existing database server or cluster. The following database cluster types are supported:

  • MySQL/MariaDB (standalone or replication)
    • Oracle MySQL
    • Percona Server for MySQL
    • MariaDB Server
  • Galera Cluster
    • Percona XtraDB Cluster
    • MariaDB Cluster
  • PostgreSQL and EnterpriseDB (standalone or streaming replication)
  • TimescaleDB (standalone or streaming replication)
  • MongoDB (Replica Set or Sharded Cluster)
    • MongoDB
    • Percona Server for MongoDB
    • MongoDB Enterprise
  • Redis Sentinel
  • Redis Cluster
  • ElasticSearch 7.x and 8.x.
  • Microsoft SQL Server – 2019 and 2022 for Linux
  • Valkey Cluster

There are some prerequisites that need to be fulfilled prior to adding the existing setup. The existing database cluster/server must:

  • Verify that sudo is working properly if you are using a non-root user. See Operating System User.
  • Passwordless SSH from ClusterControl node to database nodes has been configured correctly. See Passwordless SSH.
  • The target cluster must not be in a degraded state. For example, if you have a three-node Galera cluster, all nodes must be alive, accessible, and in sync.

For more details, refer to the Requirements section. Each time you add an existing cluster or server, ClusterControl will trigger a job under ClusterControl v2 → Activity Center → Jobs. You can see the progress and status on this page. Click on of the importing job and click Details. A window will also appear with messages showing the progress.

MySQL Replication

ClusterControl is able to manage and monitor an existing set of MySQL/MariaDB servers (standalone or replication). Individual hosts specified in the same list will be added to the same server group. ClusterControl assumes that you are using the same MySQL root password for all instances specified in the group and it will attempt to determine the server’s role as well (primary, replica, multi or standalone).

The following vendors and versions are supported:

  • Oracle MySQL – 8.0, 8.4.
  • Percona Server for MySQL – 8.0, 8,4.
  • MariaDB Server – 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.11 and 11.4 LTS.

When importing an existing MySQL Replication, ClusterControl will do the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (primary, replica, multi, standalone).
  • Pull the configuration files.
  • Generate the authentication key and register the nodes into ClusterControl.
Field Description
Cluster Details
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Server port
  • MySQL server port. The default is 3306.
Server data directory
  • Location of MySQL/MariaDB data directory. Default is /var/lib/mysql.
Admin/Root user
  • Specify the MySQL root user. This user will be granted global SUPER permission and the GRANT option.
Admin/Root password
  • Specify the MySQL root password. ClusterControl will configure the same MySQL root password for all instances in the cluster.
Information_schema queries
  • On – Enables information schema queries to track databases and table growth. Queries to the information schema may not be suitable when having many database objects (hundreds of databases, hundreds of tables in each database, triggers, users, events, stored procedures, etc). If disabled, the query that would be executed will be logged so it can be determined if the query is suitable for your environment. This is not recommended for clusters with more than 2000 database objects.
  • Off – Disables information schema queries to track databases and table growth. 
Cluster auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded. See Cluster Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded.
Node auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down. See Node Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down.
Add Nodes
  • IP address or hostname of the database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
  • With all the database nodes specified, ClusterControl will figure out the topology and server’s role for every database node (even for a standalone setup).


MySQL Galera

ClusterControl is able to manage and monitor an existing set of Galera Cluster. ClusterControl assumes that you are using the same MySQL root password for all instances specified in the group. If you have one or more asynchronous slaves attached to the Galera Cluster, specify it later on once the cluster is imported into ClusterControl by going to Add replication node → Import a replication node. Similarly, when importing the load balancers, go to Add load balancer → Import balancer to import them afterward.

When importing an existing Galera Cluster, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Detect the remaining nodes in the cluster, only if Automatic node discovery is ON.
  • Pull the configuration files.
  • Generate the authentication key and register the nodes into ClusterControl.
Field Description
Cluster Details
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Server port
  • MySQL server port. The default is 3306.
Server data directory
  • Location of MySQL/MariaDB data directory. Default is /var/lib/mysql.
Admin/Root user
  • Specify the MySQL root user. This user will be granted global SUPER permission and the GRANT option.
Admin/Root password
  • Specify the MySQL root password. ClusterControl will configure the same MySQL root password for all instances in the cluster.
Information_schema queries
  • On – Enables information schema queries to track databases and table growth. Queries to the information schema may not be suitable when having many database objects (hundreds of databases, hundreds of tables in each database, triggers, users, events, stored procedures, etc). If disabled, the query that would be executed will be logged so it can be determined if the query is suitable for your environment. This is not recommended for clusters with more than 2000 database objects.
  • Off – Disables information schema queries to track databases and table growth. 
Cluster auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded. See Cluster Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded.
Node auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down. See Node Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down.
Automatic node discovery
  • On – Specify ONE Galera node and ClusterControl will discover the remaining nodes based on the hostname/IP addresses used for Galera’s intra-node communication. Replication nodes, load balancers, and other supported services connected to the Galera Cluster can be added after the import has finished.
  • Off – Specify all Galera nodes in the Add nodes section. This is particularly necessary if wsrep_node_incoming_address=AUTO.
Add Nodes
  • IP address or hostname of the primary node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
  • If Automatic node discovery is ON, specify only one IP address or hostname of the primary node. Otherwise, specify all primary nodes in this section.



ClusterControl is able to manage/monitor an existing set of PostgreSQL or TimeScaleDB for Streaming Replication version 12 and later. Individual hosts specified in the same list will be added to the same server group in the UI. ClusterControl assumes that you are using the same database admin password for all instances specified in the group.

When importing an existing PostgreSQL or TimescaleDB Streaming Replication, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (master, slave, TimescaleDB extension).
  • Pull the configuration files.
  • Generate the authentication key and register the nodes into ClusterControl.
Field Description
Cluster Details
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Server port
  • PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB server port. The default is 5432.
  • Specify the PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB admin user.
  • Specify the PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB admin password.
Add Nodes
Primary node
  • IP address or hostname of the primary database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via passwordless SSH.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
  • A primary node is mandatory. To import a standalone instance, you can skip defining replica nodes and proceed with the import.
Replica nodes
  • IP address or hostname of the replica database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via passwordless SSH.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
Logfile path
  • Specify the log file path only if logging_collector = OFF in postgresql.conf. This is optional.

MongoDB ReplicaSet

ClusterControl is able to manage and monitor an existing MongoDB/Percona Server for MongoDB 4.x ,5.x, 6.x and 7.x replica set.

When importing an existing MongoDB ReplicaSet, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (primary, secondary, arbiter).
  • Pull the configuration files.
  • Generate the authentication key and register the nodes into ClusterControl.

If SSL/TLS is required, ClusterControl only supports a proper CAFile configuration, as shown in the MongoDB documentation, and does not support the --allowInvalidCertificates flag.

Field Description
Cluster Details
  • Choose the MongoDB distribution that you use.
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Server port
  • MongoDB server port. The default is 27017.
  • Specify the MongoDB admin user.
  • Specify the MongoDB admin password.
MongoDB Auth DB
  • Specify the MongoDB authentication database for the MongoDB admin user.
Add Nodes
  • IP address or hostname of the primary database node for the replica set. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
  • Specify one primary node of the replica set and ClusterControl will discover the rest of the replica set members.

MongoDB Shards

ClusterControl is able to manage and monitor an existing MongoDB, Percona Server for MongoDB or MongoDB Enterprise 4.x ,5.x, 6.x and 7.x sharded cluster setup. When importing an existing MongoDB Sharded Cluster, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (mongos, mongoconfig, primary, secondary, arbiter).
  • Pull the configuration files.
  • Generate the authentication key and register the nodes into ClusterControl.

If SSL/TLS is required, ClusterControl only supports a proper CAFile configuration, as shown in the MongoDB documentation, and does not support the --allowInvalidCertificates flag.

Field Description
Cluster Details
  • Choose the MongoDB distribution that you use.
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Server port
  • MongoDB server port. The default is 27017.
  • Specify the MongoDB admin user.
  • Specify the MongoDB admin password.
MongoDB Auth DB
  • Specify the MongoDB authentication database for the MongoDB admin user.
Add Nodes
  • IP address or hostname of the router node (mongos). Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
  • Specify all the MongoDB router servers (mongos) and ClusterControl will discover the rest of the config and shards members.

Redis Sentinel

Import existing Redis instances with Sentinel for v6 and v7. When importing existing Redis instances, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (primary, replica, sentinel).

ClusterControl does not support importing Redis instances without authentication. Authentication must be enabled and the provided admin username and password must have ~* +@all (all keys, all commands) privilege.

Field Description
Cluster Details
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Redis port
  • Redis server port. The default is 6379.
Redis Sentinel port
  • Redis Sentinel port. The default is 26379.
  • Specify the Redis admin password.
Replication user
  • Specify the Redis replication user.
Replication password
  • Specify the Redis replication password.
Sentinel password
  • Specify the Sentinel password.
Cluster auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded. See Cluster Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded.
Node auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down. See Node Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down.
Add Nodes
Primary node
  • IP address or hostname of the primary database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
Replica nodes
  • IP address or hostname of the replica database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.

Redis Cluster

Import existing Redis Cluster instances for v6 and v7. When importing existing Redis instances, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (primary, replica).

ClusterControl does not support importing Redis instances without authentication. Authentication must be enabled and the provided admin username and password must have ~* +@all (all keys, all commands) privilege.

Field Description
Cluster Details
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Redis port
  • Redis server port. The default is 6379.
  • Specify the Redis admin username.
  • Specify the Redis admin password.
Cluster auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded. See Cluster Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded.
Node auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down. See Node Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down.
Add Nodes
Primary node
  • IP address or hostname of the primary database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
Replica nodes
  • IP address or hostname of the replica database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.


Import existing Elasticsearch Cluster instances for 7.x and 8.x. When importing existing Elasticsearch instances, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (Master, data).

ClusterControl does not support importing Elasticsearch instances without authentication. Authentication must be enabled and the provided sysadmin username and password.

Field Description
Cluster Details
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
HTTP port
  • Elasticsearch HTTP port. The default is 9200.
Certificates Password
  • If specified, the password for a preexisting CA private key.
  • Specify the sysadmin username.
  • Specify the sysadmin password.
Use existing certificates
  • Specify cmon’s certificates directory to use on the imported cluster. If empty, ClusterControl will search on the configuration folder /etc/elasticsearch or default generation folder /usr/share/elasticsearch to get certificate files (like elastic-certificates.p12, elastic-stack-ca.p12 and elasticsearch-ssl-http.zip )on node to configure certificates on new nodes in cluster. If ssl configuration is not completed scale up operations may fail.
Cluster auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded. See Cluster Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded.
Node auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down. See Node Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down.
Add Nodes
Cluster node
  • IP address or hostname of a database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • ClusterControl will discover the rest of members.Specified node will be used to search for certificate files.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.

Microsoft SQL Server

Import existing Microsoft SQL Server – 2019 and 2022 for Linux. When importing existing SQL Server instances, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (primary, replica).
Field Description
Cluster Details
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Server port
  • SQL Server port. The default is 1433.
Admin username
  • Specify the SQL Server admin username.
Admin password
  • Specify the SQL Server admin password. It is highly recommended that you use the generated password as it meets the minimum requirements.
  • Click on the eye icon to view the unmasked password. Copy this value to somewhere place, or you may generate a new one.
Cluster auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded. See Cluster Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded.
Node auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down. See Node Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down.
Add Nodes
Primary node
  • Hostname or FQDN of the primary database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
Replica nodes
  • Hostname or FQDN of the replica database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
  • Up to 8 replica nodes are supported.

Valkey Cluster

Import existing Valkey Cluster instances for v7 and v8. When importing existing Valkey instances, ClusterControl will perform the following:

  • Verify SSH connectivity to all nodes.
  • Detect the host environment and operating system.
  • Discover the database role of each node (primary, replica).

ClusterControl does not support importing Valkey instances without authentication. Authentication must be enabled and the provided admin username and password must have ~* +@all (all keys, all commands) privilege.

Field Description
Cluster Details
Cluster name
  • Specify a name for the cluster.
  • If blank, ClusterControl will generate a name for the cluster.
  • Specify tags for the cluster. Press Enter for every new tag defined.
  • Tags are useful to group your database clusters and simplify lookup and filtering.
SSH Configuration
SSH user
  • Specify “root” if you have root credentials.
  • If you use sudo to execute privileged system commands, specify the name that you wish to use here. The user must exist on all nodes. See Operating System User.
SSH user key path
  • Specify the full path of the SSH key (the key must exist on the ClusterControl node) that will be used by the SSH user to perform passwordless SSH. See Passwordless SSH.
SSH sudo password
  • If you use sudo with a password, specify it here.
  • Ignore this if the SSH user is root or the sudoer does not need a sudo password.
SSH port
  • Specify the SSH port for the target nodes. ClusterControl assumes SSH is running on the same port on all nodes.
Node Configuration
Valkey port
  • Valkey server port. The default is 6379.
  • Specify the Valkey admin username.
  • Specify the Valkey admin password.
Cluster auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded. See Cluster Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects the cluster is down or degraded.
Node auto-recovery
  • On – ClusterControl will perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down. See Node Recovery.
  • Off – ClusterControl will not perform automatic recovery if it detects any of the nodes in the cluster is down.
Add Nodes
Primary node
  • IP address or hostname of the primary database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
Replica nodes
  • IP address or hostname of the replica database node. Press Enter to add the node, where ClusterControl will perform a pre-deployment check to verify if the node is reachable via SSH key-based authentication.
  • If the target node has more than one network interface, you will be able to select or enter a separate IP address to be used only for database traffic.
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