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  5. s9s-log


View logs.


s9s log {command} {options}


Name, shorthand Description
−−list, -L Lists all log entries.


Name, shorthand Description
−−cluster-id=ID The ID of the cluster to check.
−−cluster-name=NAME The NAME of the cluster to check.
--limit=NUMBER Limits the number of log messages printed.
−−message-id=ID The numerical ID for the message to list. When this command line option is provided there will be at most one message processed.
−−offset=NUMBER Controls the relative index of the first item printed.
−−log-format=FORMATSTRING The string that controls the format of the printed log and job messages. See Log Format Variables.

Log Format Variables

Controls the format of the messages as they are printed. This command line option has the same effect as the brief_log_format and long_log_format configuration variables.

The format string uses the % character to mark variable fields, and flag characters as they are specified in the standard printf() C library functions and its own field name letters to refer to the various properties of the messages.

The %+12I format string for example has the +12 flag characters in it with the standard meaning: the field will be 12 characters wide and the + or - sign will always be printed with the number. Standard \ notation is also available, \n for example encodes a new-line character.

The properties of the message are encoded by letters. The in the %-5L for example the letter L encodes the “line-number” field, so the number of the source line that produced the message will be substituted. The program supports the following fields:

Variable Description
A The message text as ASCII string (no syntax highlight using terminal escape sequences).
B The basename of the source file that produced the message.
c A short keyword that can be used to classify the log messages without parsing the message text and trying to recognize its meaning.
C The creation timestamp of the log message.
h The hostname of the host which is related to the log message. Please note that not all log entries are related to one specific host.
i The cluster ID. If the log message is not related to any clusters the ID here will be 0.
I The ID of the message is a numerical ID that can be used as a unique identifier for the message.
j The entire message object as a JSon string.
L The line number in the source file where the message was created. This property is implemented mostly for debugging purposes.
M The message text without colors.
m The message text uses ANSI color sequences where applicable.
M The message text.
o The name of the component (subsystem) that sent the log message. This field can further classify the messages by their meaning without parsing the text itself.
P The port of the host if the message is directly related to one specific service on one specific host.
s The severity of the message using one of the “Ok”, “Warning”, or “Critical” strings.
S The severity of the message in text format. This field can be “MESSAGE”, “WARNING” or “FAILURE”.
T The creation time of the message. This is similar to the C field but shows only hours, minutes, and seconds instead of the full date and time.
z The creation date and time in ISO 8601 format (e.g. “2019-08-26T09:11:05.906Z”) without the time one.
Z The creation date and time in ISO 8601 format (e.g. “2019-08-26T11:11:44.912-01:00”) in the controller server’s own time.
% The % character itself.


List log messages for Cluster ID 1:

$ s9s log \
    --list \

List log messages for Cluster ID 1 except the 10 last log records:

$ s9s log \
    --list \
    --cluster-id=1 \

List only the last 20 log messages for Cluster ID 1:

$ s9s log \
    --list \
    --cluster-id=1 \

List 20 log messages skipping the latest 20 log records for Cluster ID 1:

$ s9s log \
    --list \
    --cluster-id=1 \
    --limit=20 \

Print a log message that is about a Cmon Job being started. It prints some information with the % notation and the job JSon string that is part of the log entry

$ s9s log \
--list \
--message-id=23 \
--log-format=' ID: %I\nclass: %c\n loc: %B:%L\n mess: %M\n job:\n${/log_specifics/job_instance/job_spec}\n'$ s9s job --disable --job-id=102
                    ID: 23
                 class: JobStarted
                   loc: CmonCommandHandlerWorker.cpp:332
                  mess: Job 'Create Cluster' just started.
                        "command": "create_cluster",
                             "cluster_name": "ft_postgresql_8488",
                             "cluster_type": "postgresql_single",
                             "enable_uninstall": true,
                             "install_software": true,
                             "nodes": [
                                  "class_name": "CmonHost",
                                  "hostname": "",
                                  "port": 8089
                             } ],
                             "postgre_user": "postmaster",
                             "ssh_user": "pipas",
                             "sudo_password": "",
                             "type": "postgresql",
                             "version": "10"
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