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  5. ClusterControl Long-Term Support (Releases)

ClusterControl Long-Term Support (Releases)

We are excited to announce a significant update to our release strategy: starting with ClusterControl 2.2.0 LTS in September 2024, we will be adopting a Yearly Long-Term Support (LTS) Cycle for our product.

Our Long-Term Support (LTS) version of our product will receive extended support, including bug fixes and security patches for an extended period of 1 year. Unlike standard releases, which may focus on introducing new features and innovation, LTS versions will emphasize stability, reliability, and long-term usability.

Benefits of Yearly Long-term Support Releases

With our focus on stability and predictability, especially for businesses and users who rely on our product in critical environments. By moving to a yearly LTS cycle, we aim to provide:

  • Stability and Reliability: Each LTS will undergo rigorous testing and validation to ensure that it meets the highest standards of stability. This makes LTR versions ideal for production environments where reliability is paramount.
  • Predictability: With a predictable yearly schedule, you can plan your upgrades and deployments more effectively. Knowing when new LTS versions will be released allows you to align them with your project timelines and minimize disruptions.

  • Extended Support: Each LTS version will come with an extended support period. For example, if an LTS is released in Q3 of 2024, it will receive support, including critical updates and patches, until the next LTS is released in 2025, and potentially longer for critical fixes.

How it will work

  • First LTS Release: The first yearly LTS will be released in Q3 2024. This version will mark the beginning of our new cycle and set the standard for all future LTRs.

  • Release Schedule: Going forward, a new LTS will be released each year in the third quarter. Minor updates and patches will be provided throughout the year, focusing on maintaining stability rather than introducing major new features.

  • Support Duration: Each LTS will receive full support for at least 12 months, with extended support available for critical issues beyond this period. This ensures that you can confidently use an LTS version for an extended time without worrying about support ending abruptly.

Transitioning to the LTS Cycle

For users currently on non-LTS versions, migrating / moving to an LTS release is easiest achieved by changing the ClusterControl repository file to point to a new LTS repository named repos-release-lts which will only contain LTS releases. This will be reachable from http://repo.severalnines.com/repos-release-lts.

Follow the below steps to transition to a LTS version:


1. Edit the repository file /etc/yum.repos.d/s9s-repo.repo and change the URL to:


2. Update the software repository:

yum search clustercontrol # check for LTS version and/or clear cache with yum clean all

3. Re-install the LTS ClusterControl packages:

yum install s9s-tools clustercontrol2 clustercontrol-controller clustercontrol-ssh clustercontrol-cloud clustercontrol-notifications

4. Restart the cmon controller:

systemctl restart cmon

1. Edit the repository file /etc/apt/sources.d/s9s-repos.list and change the URL to:


2. Update the software repository:

apt update # update list of available LTS packages

3. Re-install the LTS ClusterControl packages::

apt install s9s-tools clustercontrol2 clustercontrol-controller clustercontrol-ssh clustercontrol-cloud clustercontrol-notifications

4. Restart the cmon controller:

systemctl restart cmon
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