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  5. Changes in v2.2.0

Changes in v2.2.0

Maintenance Release: September 13th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-2.2.0-10461
  • Controller:
    • Address a regression with show global status when there is no Prometheus node available (CLUS-4767, CLUS-4770).
    • Address an issue with mysqldump and database names with . in their names when using UCS2 encoding (CLUS-4647).
    • Git HASH is now included with cmon —version (CLUS-4658).

Initial Release: September 11th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol2-2.2.5-1603
    • clustercontrol-proxy-2.2.4-42
    • clustercontrol-controller-2.2.0-10417
    • clustecontrol-cloud-2.2.5-413
    • clustercontrol-clud-2.2.5-413
    • clustercontrol-ssh-2.2.5-201
    • clustercontrol-notifications-2.2.5-360
    • s9s-tools-1.9.2024082802-release1

Welcome to the September release of ClusterControl v2.2.0. This update includes support for a Valkey, a Redis-compliant open source (BSD) high-performance key/value datastore, MariaDB 11.4 LTS, and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.



  • Support for Valkey 7.2.5
    • Valkey is an open source (BSD) high-performance key/value datastore that supports a variety of workloads such as caching, and message queues, and can act as a primary database. Valkey can run as a standalone daemon or in a cluster, with options for replication and high availability.
    • Release notes.
  • Current Limitations
    • Only supported for RPM-based distros (for example RockyLinux 8 or 9).


  • Support for MariaDB 11.4 LTS
    • MariaDB Community Server 11.4 will be a long-term maintenance (LTS) release. Version 11.4 will be the first release of the 11.x series to be LTS. This means we will provide five years of bug fixes for this release once it’s GA.
    • Release notes –


  • Support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)
    • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS will be the first LTS to enjoy a whopping 12 years of support. Usually, LTS releases get five years of security and maintenance updates with an additional five years of extended security support, making a total of 10 years of support before reaching EOL (End-Of-Life).
    • Release notes.

Redis Cluster

  • Added additional backup options.
    • Compression.
    • Encryption.
    • Verify backup.

Support for FIPS-140-2

  • Correctly signed ClusterControl packages with SHA-256.
  • Linking CMON Controller with OpenSSL 3.0.x library


  • MongoDB- shardsvr removed from Replicaset setups.
  • Haproxy – Support for monitoring (alerts) HAProxy node health (operational status).
  • Vault Integration – This addresses a limitation of the Vault integration with the CMON controller where cmon-events still needs credentials in the /etc/cmon.cnf file.
    • The cmon-events process now supports Vault integration and thus the /etc/cmon.cnf file is no longer required:
# /etc/cmon-events.cnf
vault_token = hvs.A2j7ScVH2j7qC8CAQni7sJ31
vault_addr =
vault_secret_path = 4efbf326-7087-47d7-9200-6c4a135494af/cluster_0
  • Elasticsearch – Support for importing Elasticsearch 7.x and 8.x clusters.

ClusterControl Ops-C Improvements (Multiple Controllers support).

  • The User registration form has been added when using CC Ops-C with a single local CMON controller.
  • Added support for using cmon-proxy to serve requests for the CC Ops-C web application. The Apache server is no longer required and can be completely uninstalled:
$ apt update
$ apt purge apache2 # purge the Apache server since it's no longer required
$ apt purge clustercontrol2 # purge CCv2 web U since it is no longer required
# install clustercontrol-cc
$ apt install clustercontrol-mcc
# register the local CMON controller with cmon-proxy
$ ccmgradm init --local-cmon -p 443 -f /var/www/html/clustercontrol-mcc # serve web application on port 443
$ systemctl restart cmon-proxy
# change TLS cert if needed in /usr/share/ccmgr/ccmgr.yaml and restart cmon-proxy
$ cat /etc/share/ccmgr/ccmgr.yaml
filename: /usr/share/ccmgr/ccmgr.yaml
webapproot: /var/www
fetch_jobs_hours: 12
fetch_backups_days: 7
- xid: cqf1b1cfnetrgl51vhrg
name: local
use_cmon_auth: true
frontend_url: localhost
timeout: 30
logfile: /var/log/ccmgr.log
- username: admin
passwordhash: fa31fa6e142d9d1b:6870:21790d5c340c9fe207d6a5e29fe39eaddeff200b517e90e19318dddb515a424f
frontend_path: /var/www/html/clustercontrol-mcc
port: 443
tls_cert: /usr/share/ccmgr/server.crt
tls_key: /usr/share/ccmgr/server.key
session_ttl: 1800000000000
# open ClusterControl Ops-C at https://<cmon controller ip>:443 and logon with one of your existing CC admin user


  • Support for showing redundant indexes for MySQL.
  • Support for using Apache mod_php with the Apache server instead of using mod_proxy.
    • Install php (and remove mod_proxy).
    • Copy the Apache configuration  /usr/share/cmon/apache/cc-frontend.conf to /etc/httpd/conf.d/cc-webapp.conf (as an example).
    • In the Apache configuration comment IncludeOptional /usr/share/cmon/apache/cc-frontend-cmon-api.conf and IncludeOptional /usr/share/cmon/apache/cc-frontend-license.conf.
    • Uncomment either IncludeOptional /usr/share/cmon/apache/cc-frontend-php-proxy-socket.conf or IncludeOptional /usr/share/cmon/apache/cc-frontend-php-proxy-curl.conf (second requires php curl module).
    • The Apache configuration are now stored for RPM-based distros as /usr/share/cmon/apache/cc-frontend.conf when the clustercontrol2 package is installed manually.
    • The cc-proxy.conf Apache configuration file is no longer required and is not part of the clustercontrol2 package any longer.
    • After upgrading from 2.1.0 or older version of the clustercontrol2 package the Apache configuration file cc-frontend.conf (if it exists) will be renamed to cc-webapp.conf.
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