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  5. Changes in v2.0.0

Changes in v2.0.0

Maintenance Release: July 24th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-2.0.0-9779
  • Controller:
    • Address additional Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities reported with the CMON API where the content of an included file in an HTTP request was shown (CLUS-4448).
    • Address an issue with lengthy restart timeouts with MongoDB (CLUS-4337) – only for CMON controller v2.1.0.

Maintenance Release: June 10th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-2.0.0-9169
    • clustercontrol2-2.2.3-1379
  • Controller:
    • Address an issue with empty HAProxy dashboards (CLUS-4017, CLUS-4018, CLUS-4099).
    • Address an issue with MongoDB 4.4 deployment (CLUS-4160).
    • Address an issue with minor upgrades for PostgreSQL where the new minor versions failed to be fetched (CLUS-4144).
    • Address an issue with Redis Sentinel deployment on Centos 9 stream (CLUS-4124).
  • Frontend (UI):
    • Address an issue to clarify firewall and AppArmor/SELinux settings with the deployment wizard (CLUS-3968).
    • Address an issue with an incorrect replica lag chart showing up on the primary node dashboard (CLUS-4130).

Maintenance Release: June 5th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol2-2.2.3-1369
  • Frontend (UI):
    • Address an issue with the import node being disabled for all cluster types (CLUS-4136).

Maintenance Release: May 30th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol-controller-2.0.0-9011
    • clustercontrol2-2.2.3-1362
  • Controller:
    • Address an issue with PostgreSQL and MariaDB minor upgrades – in some case, no upgrades were done only checks for upgradable packages (CLUS-4051).
    • Address a Redis issue where CMON tries to connect using an internal/private IP/hostname (CLUS-3818 / CCX).
    • Address an issue initializing the CMON database schema with MySQL 8.4.x changes to foreign keys (CLUS-4045).
    • Address an issue toggling binary logging back on Galera nodes (CLUS-3488).
    • Address an issue with minor upgrades with MongoDB Inc (vendor) on MongoDB 7.0.x for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (CLUS-3944).
    • Address an issue to improve job log messages when SELinux (Centos 8) prevented the Prometheus service from properly starting up (CLUS-3645) – NOTE: SELinux needs to be pre-configured for Prometheus.
    • Address an issue with major upgrades between PostgreSQL v13 to v14 (CLUS-4010).
  • Frontend (UI):
    • Address an issue with the Redis import dialog where the node configuration step was blank (CLUS-4044).
    • Address a cosmetic issue with the Redis add node dialog’s preview showing inaccurate info (CLUS-4053).
    • Address an issue to handle ‘unknown state’ with N/A and not include them in the stats (CLUS-3816).
    • Address an issue with node actions that cannot be performed on a Prometheus node (CLUS-4096 / CCX).
    • Address an issue with incorrect MySQL backup options when ‘PITR compatible’ is enabled – ‘Partial backups’ and ‘One dump file per DB’ are not supported with it set (CLUS-4061).
    • Address an issue where an ENABLE_PRIVACY option was missing from CCv2 to prevent usage tracking with Google Analytics.Add a new configuration file named <webroot>/clustercontrol2/user.config.js with the content
      window.FEAS_ENV = {ENABLE_PRIVACY: 'true',}
    • Address an issue with the Redis topology view not correctly showing primary/replica relationships (CLUS-4069).
    • Address an issue with the Redis Sentinel cluster missing the Upload backup to cloud option (CLUS-4080).
    • Address a cosmetic issue with tooltips having no rounded edges (CLUS-4011).
    • Address issues with the Top Queries page. Relative % is now removed and a new toggle has been added to show the complete query or truncate it (CLUS-4075).
    • Address an issue to describe the advanced crontab format with backup schedules in a more clear way (CLUS-4002).

Initial Release: May 14th, 2024

  • Build:
    • clustercontrol2-2.2.3-1338
    • clustercontrol-controller-2.0.0-8821
    • clustercontrol-cloud-2.0.0-400
    • clustercontrol-clud-2.0.0-400
    • clustercontrol-ssh-2.0.0-166
    • clustercontrol-notifications-2.0.0-344
    • clustercontrol-mcc-2.2.0-66
    • clustercontrol-proxy-2.2.0-9
    • s9s-tools-1.9.2024051420-release1

Welcome to the May release of ClusterControl. This update includes support for Redis Cluster and scaling of ClusterControl in high-volume node or multi-tenant environments. ClusterControl Operations teams can now deploy ClusterControl within Kubernetes using a Helm chart and provision database clusters using a ClusterControl Terraform provider. Additionally, this version supports the latest major releases of MongoDB, and Debian.

Key Features

Support for Redis Cluster

A distributed implementation of the popular in-memory data store, Redis. It is designed to provide high availability and horizontal scalability by dividing the dataset into multiple partitions and distributing them across multiple nodes:

  • Deploy & Import.
  • System and database dashboards.
  • Cluster topology view.
  • Configuration files management.
  • Backup and restore – local storage only and retention setting.
  • Scaling
    • Add and remove primaries or replicas
  • Limitations – These features will be addressed in an upcoming release:
    • Backup management
    • Cloud storage
    • Advanced settings – compression, encryption, verify backup
    • Minor upgrades
    • User access (ACL) management

ClusterControl Operations Center

Horizontal scaling of ClusterControl:

  • Use multiple ClusterControl installations / CMON controllers to handle large-volume environments of 1000+ nodes.
  • Provide multi-tenancy isolation where each tenant is assigned their own CMON Controller.
  • Consolidate and manage multiple CMON controllers from a single point/web application.
  • Aggregated status dashboard.
  • Clusters, Nodes, and CMON Controllers.
  • CMON-Proxy LDAP authentication.
  • Limitations:
    • WEB SSH (disabled / non-functional with the current release)

Terraform Provider for ClusterControl – 

  • Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools to provision ClusterControl resources such as database clusters, nodes, and load balancers.
  • Integrate ClusterControl with your existing Terraform manifests and CI/CD pipeline environments..
  • Use our Terraform Provider to seamlessly provide automatic database cluster provisioning on public and private clouds.
  • Documentation –

ClusterControl Helm Chart –

New Major Versions support

  • MongoDB 7
  • Debian 12


  • PITR with MSSQL Server ‘transaction log’ backups.
  • MySQL binary log backups (and restore) to/from cloud storage:
    • A new backup method named ‘binlog’.
    • Separate backups of the MySQL binary logs.
  • CC UI:
    • Misc UI/UX improvements

Known Limitations

  • Major upgrades with TimescaleDB v13 and v14:
    • ‘copy’ and ‘link’ method is currently not working properly.
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