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  6. Query Stats

Query Stats

Current Database Connections

In this section, you will see some information about the Current Database Connections:

  • Node: The node the user is connected to.
  • User: Who is connected to the database.
  • Client: The client connection information.
  • Query: The query that it’s running.
  • State: The connection state.
  • Query Time: The duration of the current connection.

Top Queries

Here you can see information about your Top Queries:

  • Node: The node where the query is running.
  • Query digest: The query that is running.
  • Database: The database on where the query is running.
  • Count: The number of times it was executed.
  • Execution Time:
    • Absolute – Total execution time of the query.
    • Relative % – Percentage of the query execution time over total time.


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