A database in CCX is called as “Data Store” for which you have to deploy, setup, and configure in order to use and interface with your application.
To deploy, simply hit Create data store
or hit the Create drop down button as shown below:
After clicked, panel view to choose your desired database as shown below will show up.
Select A Database
In this example, we’re picking up PostgreSQL version 14 for async replication for high availability. Hit Continue to proceed to Configuration as shown below.
Configuration: Creating a PostgreSQL 14 datastore [Summary]
The name of this data store. This name can NOT be changed later.
Specify tags to allow filtering and searching for clusters. Each cluster can have zero or many tags to help keep the clusters organized. Note that special characters like spaces, tabs and dollar signs are not supported.
The created tags can be filtered while looking up the clusters in the CCX dashboard page, by clicking on the magnifier glass icon on the top menu.
Streaming Replication. If you have only one active-writer node and have secondary as your replica, then choose this configuration. This will deploy a streaming replication for PostgreSQL.
Number of Nodes
Allows you to choose the number of nodes that you wanted to deploy.
For a single node database, you can choose from 1 master node.
If you need replication, then you can choose from 1 master node, 2 replicas.
Cloud Service
Currently, CCX supports only Amazon Web Services and Safespring. For more information about supported cloud providers and its supported regions, please go to Cloud Providers. To choose which cloud provider you have subscribed, simply pick the Cloud service provider. In this example, choose safespring. After that, hit Continue.
Currently, CCX only supports one region and that is se-east-1 under Stockholm.
Cloud Service: Creating a PostgreSQL 14 datastore [Summary]
Cloud service provider
Choose the supported cloud providers.
Choose a region where you would want the database cluster to be deployed.
This is the section where you have to determine the resources of your database nodes to be deployed such as CPU, memory, and storage.
Instances: Creating a PostgreSQL 14 datastore [Summary]
Pick your instance size with predefined CPU and memory.
Large instances that requires higher CPU, memory, or storage by default is disabled. If you need more resources, contact our Sales.
Network settings
This is the section where you have to define what type of accessibility does your database nodes required. Does it have to be located on a private network, or shall be access publicly or open to the world provided your security such as firewall and password are setup. For safespring, only Public is available.
Network settings: Creating a PostgreSQL 14 datastore [Summary]
Network Type
The type of network you need to setup. This is not changeable once you have deployed your datastore. For the available types, choose the networking type:
Private: Private in Safespring is not supported.
Public: All instances will be deployed with public IP addresses. Access to the public IP addresses is controlled by a firewall.
Before deploying your data store, CCX will give you a preview of your desired selections and options you have configured for your data store. This is the section where it summarizes the value you have assigned to its designated sections before deployment.
Preview: Creating a PostgreSQL 14 datastore [Summary]
The type of database you choose. In this example, we have PostgreSQL 14
Summarizes the configuration you have set
Cloud Service
Shows the cloud service provider you choose and to what region your database nodes shall be deployed and located.
Summarizes the type of resources (CPU, memory, storage) of your database instances to be used for your data store
Network settings
Shows the accessibility of your data store, if it’s private or public.
Shows the kind of availability whether it is only assigned to be single zone or is it on a multi-zone location.
Shows also the availability zone to which your database nodes shall be located
Estimated cost
summarizes the cost for this type of database, setup, and configuration in a monthly basis. This gives you a heads up of what amount it shall cost you before deploying your database.